אל פסק ONLINE AON1500 אדוויס


אל פסק מסדרת ON-LINE של חברת אדוויס

UPS online ADVICE ON 1.5K – built in super smart charger, shorten 50% of charging time

Double conversion on line design
Wide frequency range 40-70Hz
Frequency converter mode
SNMP card/dry contact card (optional)
945 joule surge protection
External battery connector
Wide input voltage range (110-300 VAC*) at 230VAC
Input power factor correction 0.99
Output power factor 0.9
ECO mode
Generator compatible
High overload capability and enhanced short circuit protection
USB/RS-232 multiple communications
3 year warranty for electronics and 2 years for battery

זמינות: 9 במלאי

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